Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Back in NJ/NYC

Just an update for all of you. I started esthetician school today at Atelier Esthetique in Manhattan, NYC!!!!! I am so excited to embark on this new career of mine. I majored in Finance and did Accounting for a while, but I guess my heart wasn't in it after a couple years working. I wasn't designed for the corporate life!!!

I developed a fierce interest in skin and skincare products and ways to improve the skin after becoming addicted to facials in manhattan! the most luxurious, the most expert care is here. I am officially a believer! I've been fortunate enough to have had great skin most of my life, but facials have taken it TO THE NEXT LEVEL of perfection. I am a convert!

I suppose I will be poor for the rest of my life...but I think it's the best route for me. Now it is imperative that I meet and marry a filthy rich man in Manhattan. Even if the marriage fails and he divorces me, at least I will get half...

I will be in skin school for the next four months, full time from 9am-5pm. It is supposed to be the coldest winter in NY ever, and I'm not looking forward to trudging in the snow day in and day out. So far, it hasn't been too terribly bad, but today was a warmer one.

Ironically, I've taken a razor blade to my face and have created 11 scabs. My fellow students must be quite scared and wonder why the scabbed lady is in skin school! But my scabs will fall off, and I will have even better skin!

Can't wait for this new journey!

Wish me luck!!



1 comment:

  1. best of luck then, darling! (: that sounds fabulous; update it with your adventures or anything interesting/new at school!

    this really is amazing! (:

    La C.
